In Zarechnyy plan to create a machine-tool cluster


Representatives of administration of the Penza region and Rosatom met to discuss the possibility of creating on the territory of Zarechny of the cluster, which will include machine-building, instrument-making and tool manufacture. To rule the new territory of advancing socio-economic development (AASED) Federal Russian company. At the moment it is necessary to determine existing best practices that will be used to run the company in a short time and start providing it meets certain services to potential residents.

After appearing AASED in Zarechny, the city and its population will benefit. So, due to the emergence of new industries, there will be large number of available jobs. In addition, the cluster will be produced with modern machinery equipment, which will be able to compete with peers at the international level. While all the products produced in Zarechnyy, will serve to implement the program of import substitution that today it is extremely important for Russia. 



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