Metallurgy Norilsk Nickel will participate in the tender for the respiratory protection


At the Zapolarny branch of the OJSC “MMC "Norilsk Nickel», with the support of 3M will host a creative contest at respiratory protection “Breathe easy". 

The polar division «Norilsk Nickel» and the company 3M implementing a program of prevention of risks of professional diseases of respiratory organs. 3M experts have conducted studies on the possibility and efficiency of using various types of personal respiratory protection (including high-performance protection with forced air flow) in the unique conditions of metallurgical production of Copper Plant in Norilsk.

The significant risk of development of occupational diseases of workers of underground mining, metallurgy associated with the inhalation of harmful substances in the workplace – dust, fumes, welding fumes. Diseases of the respiratory organs and different pathologies can develop in workers if they refuse to use or not use personal protective equipment (PPE). 

So the next step staff «Norilsk Nickel" are invited to participate in the contest. Tender conditions are formulated in a special leaflet. Participants should not only tell you why PPE is important for their life and health, but also to answer questions. You need to determine whether the use of personal respiratory protection (RPD), to show what the result of neglect to the application of the remedies. To provide work prior to March 12, 2018.

The jury will determine the winners who will take part in the national week of occupational safety in Sochi (April 2018).

The program of cooperation «Norilsk Nickel», and 3M - training seminars on safety in the workplace, detailed information to employees about modern and effective means of protection for difficult working conditions, and training employees in the proper use of PPE.

Author Наталья Стрельникова (3M Russia),
15 February 2018.


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